İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi Bankalar Cad. No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul Türkiye    |    +90 212 292 49 39   |   ipc@sabanciuniv.edu - ipc.sabanciuniv.edu

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Call for Applications: 2024/25 round of the Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program


The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative invites academics, journalists, practitioners, and professionals to apply for the Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program. 


The Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program is part of the Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative. The program aims to strengthen academic, political, and social ties between Turkey and Germany, as well as between Turkey and Europe, based on the premise that the acquisition of knowledge and the exchange of people and ideas are preconditions for meeting the challenges of a globalized world.


The main thematic areas of the program are:


| EU/German-Turkish relations

| Climate change


Application Documents

2024/25 Call for Applications | Application Form Program Guidelines | Brochure


Fellowships are available for a period of six to twelve months and are predominantly, but not exclusively, granted to applicants from Germany/Europe and/or with a strong connection to German society. Unless the fellows are required to travel to complete their individual projects, they are encouraged to be physically present in Istanbul.


Candidates applying for the fellowship are invited to submit their applications at one of the two stages. The first stage is designed to provide applicants with feedback on their eligibility for the application but it is not obligatory. The applicants who do not have any questions on their eligibility can directly move to the second stage. The deadline for the first stage is March 4, 2024. Candidates will receive notification of their eligibility within this time frame and are invited to submit the remaining documents. The deadline for the second stage is April 15, 2024. The fellowship begins on October 1, 2024.


Short-term visiting fellowships are also available to practitioners from Germany/Europe (e.g., policy experts, civil servants, civil society workers, advisors to MPs, and policy figures working in EU institutions). The minimum duration of this fellowship is one month.


Applications for short-term visiting fellowships can be submitted at any time throughout the year.


Please send your completed applications in one single PDF document by email to the Program Coordinator, Dr. Pelin Oğuz (see below for contact details).


All applicants will receive a notice of receipt by email. Applicants are responsible for submitting complete applications. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


For further questions please contact:


Pelin Oğuz, Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program Coordinator

Email: pelin.oguz@sabanciuniv.edu

Tel: 90 (0) 212 292 49 39 ext. 1418




Gülcihan Çiğdem Okan, Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program Associate

Email: gulcihan.cigdem@sabanciuniv.edu

Tel: 90 (0) 212 292 49 39 ext. 1433