Başar Baysal is an Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Ankara Science University. He earned his PhD from the Department of International Relations at Bilkent University in 2017 and holds an MA from the Department of International Relations at Marmara University. His research interests include critical security studies, securitization theory, environmental security, peace and conflict processes, wartime economies, and organized crime. His studies focus on Latin America and the Middle East. Previously, Dr. Baysal worked as a post-doctoral research fellow at Universidad Del Rosario in Colombia, conducting fieldwork on the implementation of the Colombian peace process in 2020 and 2021. He is the author of the book Securitization and Desecuritization of FARC in Colombia: A Dual Perspective Analysis. His articles have been published in journals such as Peacebuilding, International Relations, and the International Journal.
Analyzing Climate Security Perceptions in Turkey: Formal and Moral Audiences
Climate change is increasingly recognized as a major security issue; however, there are differing perspectives on how to approach climate security. On the one hand, climate security opponents reject the securitization of climate change either due to their skepticism about climate change or because they believe that securitizing climate change will have adverse effects on solving the problem. On the other, climate security proponents view climate change as a security threat with state-centric, human-centric, or eco-centric perspectives. This study aims to explore the perceptions of climate security in Turkey by examining the views of both ordinary citizens (moral audience) and members of parliament (MPs) (formal audience). Understanding these perceptions is crucial for developing effective policies for green transformation and gaining support from the public and the parliament. In the first phase of the study, the climate security approach in Germany, a model country in green transformation, will be examined. Subsequently, a survey will be conducted to evaluate the climate security perceptions of the general public in Turkey. To examine the climate security perceptions of the formal audience, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with Turkish MPs. Finally, policy recommendations will be formulated for Turkish policymakers in line with the findings from the first three phases.

Analyzing Climate Security Perceptions in Türkiye: Toward a Just Securitization of Climate Change
IPC-Mercator Report ''Analyzing Climate Security Perceptions in Türkiye: Toward a Just Securitization of Climate Change'' by 2023/24 Mercator-IPC Fellow Başar Baysal, was published.
Click here to download the document.

Strengthening Türkiye's Climate Change Legislation: A Comparative Examination with Germany's Federal Climate Change Act
IPC-Mercator Analysis ''Strengthening Türkiye's Climate Change Legislation: A Comparative Examination with Germany's Federal Climate Change Act'' by IPC Intern Selin Levi, 2023/24 Mercator-IPC Fellow Sinem Ayhan and 2023/24 Mercator-IPC Fellow Başar Baysal was published.
Click here to download the document.

Navigating the Dilemmas of Climate Security: Is Just Securitization of Climate Change Possible?
IPC-Mercator Analysis ''Navigating the Dilemmas of Climate Security: Is Just Securitization of Climate Change is Possible'' by 2023/24 Mercator-IPC Fellow Başar Baysal, Istanbul Medeniyet University PhD Candidate Çağla Vural, and Kadir Has University PhD Candidate Sezen Kaya Sönmez was published.
Click here to download the document.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Sezen Kaya and Başar Baysal
Sezen Kaya and Başar Baysal were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Perception of Climate Change and Climate Security in Turkey'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Climate Security Perceptions in Türkiye: Toward a Just Securitization of Climate Change
The event titled “Climate Security Perception in Turkey: Towards a Just Securitization of Climate Change”, organized by Başar Baysal, IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative 2023/24 Research Fellow, took place with the participation of Rita Floyd and İbrahim Mazlum on September 23, 2024 at IPC.
Final Evaluation Meeting
The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative held the Final Evaluation Meeting with our 2023/24 Mercator-IPC Fellows on September 10, 2024. The event featured presentations of research project results by fellows, with the participation of Kerem Öktem (online), Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin. The presentations were followed by the fellows' evaluations of the program in terms of its objectives, impact, and future direction. A farewell dinner marked the conclusion of the 2023/24 fellowship cohort.