İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi Bankalar Cad. No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul Türkiye    |    +90 212 292 49 39   |   ipc@sabanciuniv.edu - ipc.sabanciuniv.edu

Çağlar Keyder
Çağlar Keyder
2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow

Çağlar Keyder is a professor of sociology at the State University of New York in Binghamton and at Koç University in Istanbul. He completed his PHD at Berkeley University, California. He taught at Middle East Technical University until 1982. He retired from Boğaziçi University in 2014.  He was a founding editor of the journal New Perspectives on Turkey and has served on several editorial boards, including the International Journal of Middle East Studies and Contemporary Sociology.  He is a member of the Science Academy in Turkey.  His research areas are political economy and sociology of law. In addition to these areas his work has focused on the historical sociology of Ottoman Empire/Turkey, on agrarian transformations, and on urban studies.

Local Dynamics in Local Governance: From the Cities of Turkey to a Turkey of Cities

Director Fuat Keyman, Urbanization and Local Governance Cluster Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur, İstanbul Bilgi University Instructor Fırat Genç and 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Çağlar Keyder's report Local Dynamics in Local Governance: From the Cities of Turkey to a Turkey of Cities​ (Kent Bölge:Yerel Yönetimde Yerel Dinamikler – Türkiye’nin Kentlerinden Kentlerin Türkiye’sine) was published in TÜRKONFED in May 2019.

Salgın ve Toplum - "Kentlerin Türkiyesi: İmkânlar, Sınırlar ve Çatışmalar"

23 March 2021

“Salgın ve Toplum” Webinar Series: “Post-Korona Dünya Düzeni: Adalet, Eşitlik ve Temel Özgürlükler”

June 15,  2020

"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Korona Sonrası Sosyal Adalet: Mülteciler, Mevsimlik İşçiler ve İşsizler"

May 11, 2020

"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Küreselleşme ve Dünya Düzeni: Devlet, Ekonomi, Kimlik"

April 20, 2020

Neoliberal Globalization and Populist Tendencies: Turkey in the Global Context

The Initiative organized a panel titled “Neoliberal Globalization and Populist Tendencies: Turkey in the Global Context” with 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Çağlar Keyder and IPC Director Fuat Keyman on June 9, 2016 at Cezayir Restaurant, Istanbul.


“Salgın ve Toplum” Webinar Series: “Post-Korona Dünya Düzeni: Adalet, Eşitlik ve Temel Özgürlükler”

IPC organized the webinar Salgın ve Toplum - “Post-Korona Dünya Düzeni: Adalet, Eşitlik ve Temel Özgürlükler” with the participation of Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Çağlar Keyder, Fuat Keyman and Şebnem Gümüşcü on June 15.

Please click here for the event.

"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Korona Sonrası Sosyal Adalet: Mülteciler, Mevsimlik İşçiler ve İşsizler"

IPC organized the webinar Salgın ve Toplum - "Korona Sonrası Sosyal Adalet: Mülteciler, Mevsimlik İşçiler ve İşsizler" with the participation of Çağlar Keyder, Feyzi Baban, Fuat Keyman and Pınar Uyan Semerci on May 11.

Please click here for the event.

"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Küreselleşme ve Dünya Düzeni: Devlet, Ekonomi, Kimlik"

IPC organized the webinar Salgın ve Toplum -  "Küreselleşme ve Dünya Düzeni: Devlet, Ekonomi, Kimlik" with the participation of Senem Aydın Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Fuat Keyman and Çağlar Keyder on April 20.

Please click here for the event.

Neoliberal Globalization and Populist Tendencies: Turkey in the Global Context

IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative convened a panel titled “Neoliberal Globalization and Populist Tendencies: Turkey in the Global Context (Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Popülist Eğilimler: Küresel Bağlamda Türkiye)” with 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Çağlar Keyder and Director Fuat Keyman on June 9, 2016 at Cezayir Restaurant, Istanbul.

Three Facets of Rising Populism: Cases from Turkey, Europe, and the United States

In collaboration with IPC and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, an event titled “Three Facets of Rising Populism: Cases from Turkey, Europe, and the United States (Yükselen Popülizmin Üç Ayağı: Türkiye, Avrupa ve Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinden Vakalar)” was held on June 7, 2016.

Democratizing the City: Urban Citizenship in Buenos Aires and Istanbul

IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative convened a seminar titled “Democratizing the City: Urban Citizenship in Buenos Aires and Istanbul” by Mert Arslanalp, Visiting Professor at Özyeğin University, on April 18, 2016 at IPC. The event was initiated by Mercator-IPC Fellow Defne Kadıoğlu Polat with Çağlar Keyder, Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow and Professor at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Koç University, participating as a discussant.