Fuat Keyman is the Director of the Istanbul Policy Center; Vice President for Institutional Affairs and Social Impact, and Professor of International Relations at Sabancı University. Keyman is a leading political scientist in Turkey and an expert on globalization, democratization, international relations, Turkey – EU relations, Turkish foreign policy, and civil society development. He is a member of the Turkish Science Academy. In 2013, he was awarded the Strategic Vision Award for Scientists by TASAM (Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies). He has worked as a member on the Council of Wise People as part of the Peace Process to the Kurdish issue. He also serves on advisory and editorial boards for a number of respected international and national organizations as well as for academic journals. Additionally, he is a member of the scientific advisory boards for Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) and The Global Centre for Pluralism. He has been the research director for various projects, such as Peter Berger and Samuel Huntington’s Many Globalizations; Strengthening Checks and Balances in Turkey, SIDA, Sweden; Enacting European Citizenship, European Council Framework 7 Project; Mapping Civil Society in Turkey, CIVICUS; and received a prestigious grant on urbanization from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. Since 2002, as well as his academic work, Keyman has been sharing his ideas and analysis of Turkey in a global context through various newspaper columns and TV programs.
He is the author and editor of more nearly thirty books, including Future Politics - Globalization, State, Democracy, and Identity (with Evren Balta, 2022); Sekiz Kentin Hikayesi (with Berrin Koyuncu-Lorasdağı, 2020); Kurdish Problem: Local Dynamics and Conflict Resolution (with Ayşe Köse, 2019); Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City (with Nora Fisher-Onar and Susan C. Pearce, 2018), Turkey, The Arab Spring and Beyond (with Bülent Aras, 2016), Global Turkey in Europe 3: Democracy, Trade, and the Kurdish Question in Turkey-EU Relations (2015), Democracy, Identity and Foreign Policy in Turkey (with Şebnem Gümüşçü, 2014); Global Turkey in Europe 2: Energy, Migration, Civil Society and Citizenship Issues in Turkey-EU Relations (2014); Global Turkey in Europe: Political, Economic, and Foreign Policy Dimensions of Turkey’s Evolving Relationship with the EU (2013); Remaking Turkey (in Turkish, 2013); Symbiotic Antagonisms: Competing Nationalisms in Turkey (with Ayşe Kadıoğlu, 2011); Cities: The Transformation of Anatolia, the Future of Turkey (2010); Competing Nationalism in Turkey (2010), Turkey in a Globalizing World (2010); Remaking Turkey, Globalization, Alternative Modernities and Democracy (2008); Turkish Politics in a Changing World (with Ziya Öniş, 2007), Citizenship in a Global World: European Questions and Turkish Experiences (2005); Changing World, Transforming Turkey (2005); Globalization, State, Identity/Difference: Toward a Critical Social Theory of International Relations (1997). Keyman has also authored numerous articles published in prestigious, peer-reviewed international journals such as Journal of Democracy, Third World Quarterly, European Journal of Social Theory, Theory Culture & Society, and Review of International Political Economy, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies.
Prior to joining Sabancı University, Keyman taught in the Department of International Relations at Koç University between 2002 and 2010, and in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Bilkent University between 1994 and 2002. He was also Visiting Professor at Carleton University in the summer of 1997. Keyman holds several post-doctoral fellowships from Wellesley College and Harvard University He received his PhD in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations and Comparative Politics from Carleton University. He completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey.
Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances
Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Alkım Bağ, Fuat Keyman, Ümit Şahin, and Hakan Yavuzyılmaz's "Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances" was published in May 2023.
Click here to download the document in Turkish.
The Past, Present and Future of the European Studies in Turkey by Atila Eralp
Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp's policy brief “The Past, Present and Future of the European Studies in Turkey” was published in October 2023.
Click here to download the document.
How Erdoğan Rules Through Crisis
IPC Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, City, University of London Senior Lecturer Mustafa Kutlay and IPC Director Fuat Keyman's article “How Erdoğan Rules Through Crisis'' was published in Journal of Democracy in October 2023.
Click here to download the document.
State Capacity and Populist Rule in Times of Uncertainty: COVID-19 Response in South Korea, Brazil, and Turkey
IPC Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, IPC Director Fuat Keyman, and City, University of London Senior Lecturer Mustafa Kutlay's article “State Capacity and Populist Rule in Times of Uncertainty: COVID-19 Response in South Korea, Brazil, and Turkey” was published in Globalizations in September 2023.
Click here to download the document.
The Three Dimensions of NATO Enlargement in 2023: From the Arctic to the Black Sea and Beyond
IPC Director Fuat Keyman's and Managing Editor and Researcher Megan Gisclon's article “The Three Dimensions of NATO Enlargement in 2023: From the Arctic to the Black Sea and Beyond” was published in Transatlantic Policy Quarterly in June 2023.
Click here to download the document.
A Revitalized NATO and Its ''New Strategic Concept'' amid Global and Regional Changes
IPC Director Fuat Keyman's article “A Revitalized NATO and Its ''New Strategic Concept'' amid Global and Regional Changes” was published in Transatlantic Policy Quarterly in September 2022.
Click here to download the document.
Pandemic, Climate, Society
As Istanbul Policy Center, from the beginning of 2020, when the COVID-19 epidemic began, we organized numerous panels on the web, where the situation of the world, societies, and individuals under the epidemic conditions was evaluated. We would like to share our book titled 'Pandemic, Climate, Society' prepared from these panels: We discussed the economic and social effects of the epidemic in the world, especially in the European Union and Turkey, starting from the very first days. Most participants think that there is a lot we can learn from this experience and that we need to mobilize this experience towards a just world order to cope with future epidemics and ecological crises. We are publishing this book at a point where we leave the epidemic behind with the discovery and application of the vaccine. For us, the great success of the last two years belongs to science, doctors, health workers, and scientists around the world. We would like to thank our listeners who followed our panels and guided our work with their suggestions and all our speakers who contributed, especially Ayşe Köse Badur and Semih Sökmen, who prepared this work for publication.
Please click here for more information.
A Sustainable and Resilient Food System: An Analysis of Turkey
Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman's report “A Sustainable and Resilient Food System: An Analysis of Turkey” was published in March 2022.
Click here to download the document in Turkish.
Turkey-Germany-EU Relations in an Era of Geopolitical Turmoil
Director of the European Union Studies Centre at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) Nilgün Arısan-Eralp, Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp, Director Fuat Keyman, and Secretary-General of the Economic Development Foundation (IKV) Çiğdem Nas' policy brief “Turkey-Germany-EU Relations in an Era of Geopolitical Turmoil” was published.
Click here to download the document.
From Employment to Production: Integration to the Climate Policies
IPC and INGEV's Act Human IV report "From Employment to Production: Integration to the Climate Policies (İstihdamdan Üretime İklim Politikalarına Entegrasyon)" was published on December 2021.
Click here to download the document.
Politics of Pandemic Management in Turkey
Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, City, University of London Department of International Politics Senior Lecturer Mustafa Kutlay and Director Fuat Keyman's policy brief "Politics of Pandemic Management in Turkey” was published in October 2021.
Click here to download the document.
Turkey-EU Relations before the March Summit: The Way Forward?
Director of the European Union Studies Centre at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) Nilgün Arısan-Eralp, Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp, Director Fuat Keyman, and Secretary-General of the Economic Development Foundation (IKV) Çiğdem Nas' policy brief “Turkey-EU Relations before the March Summit: The Way Forward?” was published in March 2021.
Click here to download the document.
Kentlerin Türkiyesi: İmkânlar, Sınırlar ve Çatışmalar
Director Fuat Keyman, Koç University Faculty Member Çağlar Keyder, Istanbul Bilgi University Lecturer Fırat Genç and Urbanization and Local Governance Cluster Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur's book “Kentlerin Türkiyesi: İmkânlar, Sınırlar ve Çatışmalar” was published in March 2021 with İletişim Yayınları.
Turkey-U.S. Relations in the Changing Transatlantic Context
Director of the European Union Studies Centre at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) Nilgün Arısan-Eralp, Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp, Director Fuat Keyman, and Secretary-General of the Economic Development Foundation (IKV) Çiğdem Nas' policy brief “Turkey-U.S. Relations in the Changing Transatlantic Context" was published in February 2021.
Click here to download the document.
EU-Turkish Relations After The Council Summit: A Chance for Reengagement or Facing a Complete Breakdown?
Director Fuat Keyman, Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp, Secretary-General of the Economic Development Foundation (IKV) Çiğdem Nas and Director of the European Union Studies Centre at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) Nilgün Arısan-Eralp's policy brief "EU-Turkish Relations After The Council Summit: A Chance for Reengagement or Facing a Complete Breakdown?" was published in November 2020.
Click here to download the document.
Salgın: Tükeniş Çağında Dünyayı Yeniden Düşünmek
Didem Bayındır's book Salgın: Tükeniş Çağında Dünyayı Yeniden Düşünmek was published on September 2020 with Tellekt. Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar Evren Balta contributed to this book with an article.
The Five Challenges to Erdoğan's Executive Presidential Rule after the Coronavirus
Director Fuat Keyman and IPC Researcher Andrew O'Donohue's analysis "The Five Challenges to Erdoğan’s Executive Presidential Rule after the Coronavirus" was published in The German Marshall Fund of United States on September 9, 2020.
The Tale of Eight Cities: New Localism and New Middle Classes in Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman and Berrin Koyuncu-Lorasdağı's book The Tale of Eight Cities: New Localism and New Middle Classes in Turkey (Sekiz Kentin Hikâyesi: Türkiye’de Yeni Yerellik ve Yeni Orta Sınıflar) was published in June 2020 with Metis Kitap.
A Fumbling or an Enabling European Union: Envisioning Multilateralism in a Post-Corona World
2019/20 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp and Director Fuat Keyman’s policy brief “A Fumbling or an Enabling European Union: Envisioning Multilateralism in a Post-Corona World” was published in May 2020.
Click here to download the document.
Governance, State and Democracy in a Post-Corona World
Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit and Director Fuat Keyman’ policy brief “Governance, State and Democracy in a Post-Corona World” was published in April 2020.
Click here to download the document.
Changing Parameters of Migration Cooperation: Beyond the EU-Turkey Deal?
Director Fuat Keyman, Senior Scholar and Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Kristen Biehl’s report Changing Parameters of Migration Cooperation: Beyond the EU-Turkey Deal? was published in December 2019.
Click here to download the document.
Kurdish Issue: Local Dynamics and Conflict Resolution
Urbanization and Local Governance Cluster Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur and Director Fuat Keyman's book Kurdish Issue: Local Dynamics and Conflict Resolution (Kürt Sorunu: Yerel Dinamikler ve Çatışma Çözümü) was published in October 2019 with Ayrıntı Yayınları.
Local Dynamics in Local Governance: From the Cities of Turkey to a Turkey of Cities
Director Fuat Keyman, Urbanization and Local Governance Cluster Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur, İstanbul Bilgi University Instructor Fırat Genç and 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Çağlar Keyder's report Local Dynamics in Local Governance: From the Cities of Turkey to a Turkey of Cities (Kent Bölge:Yerel Yönetimde Yerel Dinamikler – Türkiye’nin Kentlerinden Kentlerin Türkiye’sine) was published in TÜRKONFED in May 2019.
Turkish-U.S. Strategic Decoupling Through the Prism of Syria
Director Fuat Keyman and Galip Dalay's analysis "Turkish-U.S. Strategic Decoupling Through the Prism of Syria" was published in The German Marshall Fund of the United States in February 2019.
Promises and Challenges of Diversity: The Role of Civil Society Initiatives in Fostering Pluralism
Director Fuat Keyman, Trent University Faculty Member Feyzi Baban, 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande Paker, and the Associate Director of the International Migration Research Centre Kim Rygiel's report Promises and Challenges of Diversity: The Role of Civil Society Initiatives in Fostering Pluralism was published in October 2018.
Click here to download the document.
Social Cohesion in Turkey
INGEV Researchers Aysen Ataseven and Çağla Bakış’s report Social Cohesion in Turkey (Türkiye'de Sosyal Uyum) was published in June 2018. The report includes an executive summary by Fuat Keyman and focuses on the current state of social cohesion in Turkey.
Click here to download the document.
Water and Food Security in Turkey in a Changing Climate
2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Tuğba Ağaçayak and Director Fuat Keyman's policy brief “Water and Food Security in Turkey in a Changing Climate” was published in March 2018.
Click here to download the document.
Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City
Director Fuat Keyman, Nora Fisher-Onar and Susan C. Pearce's book Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City was published in January 2018 with Rutgers University Press.
Turkey's Strategic Choice: Flexible Alliances with an Enduring Transatlantic Anchor
Director Fuat Keyman and Editor and Researcher Megan Gisclon‘s analysis “Turkey’s Strategic Choice: Flexible Alliances with an Enduring Transatlantic Anchor” was published in German Marshall Fund of the United States on December 1, 2017.
The Illiberal Turn in Advanced Democracies
Senior Scholar and Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit and Director Fuat Keyman‘s policy brief “The Illiberal Turn in Advanced Democracies” was published in December 2017.
Click here to download the document.
Fifteen Months After July 15: Reforming The Military, Transforming The State
Director Fuat Keyman and IPC Researcher Metin Gürcan‘s report Fifteen Months After July 15: Reforming The Military, Transforming The State (15 Temmuz'dan On Beş Ay Sonra: Ordunun Reformu, Devletin Dönüşümü) was published in November 2017.
Click here to download the document.
Turkey's Choice: Responding to Security Challenges Through Humanitarian Norms with a Revitalized EU Anchor
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Turkey’s Choice: Responding to Security Challenges Through Humanitarian Norms with a Revitalized EU Anchor" was published in International Politics in July 2017.
Opportunities for Consensus and Coexistence after July 15: Peace and Human Development Connection
Director Fuat Keyman and Aysen Ataseven‘s report Opportunities for Consensus and Coexistence after July 15: Peace and Human Development Connection (15 Temmuz Sonrası Uzlaşma ve Birlikte Yaşama Olasılığı: Barış İnşaası-İnsani Gelişme İlişkisi) was published in April 2017.
Click here to download the document.
A New Turkish Foreign Policy: Towards Proactive “Moral Realism”
Director Fuat Keyman's article "A New Turkish Foreign Policy: Towards Proactive “Moral Realism” was published in Insight Turkey in January 2017.
The Trump Presidency and the Rise of Populism in the Global Context
Senior Scholar and Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit and Director Fuat Keyman‘s policy brief “The Trump Presidency and the Rise of Populism in the Global Context” was published in January 2017.
Donald Trump’s ascendancy to power after the U.S. presidential election in November 2016 has fueled debates on the global rise of populism. In the wake of the resurgent populist movement, the United States has become the first long-established Western democracy currently ruled by a right-wing populist leader. This policy brief examines the current debate on populism, its causes, and remedies in light of this election and proposes new modes of responding to this phenomenon within liberal democracies.
Click here to download the document.
Turkish Foreign Policy in The Post-Arab Spring Era: From Proactive to Buffer State
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Turkish Foreign Policy in The Post-Arab Spring Era: From Proactive to Buffer State” was published in Third World Quarterly in July 2016.
Türkiye Dış Politikası, İnsani Yardım, İnsani Yardım Devleti Olma
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Türkiye Dış Politikası, İnsani Yardım, İnsani Yardım Devleti Olma" was published in Analist in June 2016.
Yeni Anayasa'ya Doğru: Kurumsal Reform ve Demokrasi Kültürünün Gelişimi
Director Fuat Keyman, İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty Member Senem Aydın-Düzgit, KONDA Research and Consultancy General Director Bekir Ağırdır, Sabancı University Faculty Members Özge Kemahlıoğlu and Işık Özel's book Yeni Anayasa’ya Doğru: Kurumsal Reform ve Demokrasi Kültürünün Gelişimi was published in December 2015 with TÜRKONFED.
Enacting Multi-Layered Citizenship: Turkey's Armenians' Struggle for Justice and Equality
Director Fuat Keyman and Bahar Rumelili's article "Enacting Multi-Layered Citizenship: Turkey’s Armenians’ Struggle for Justice and Equality" was published in Citizenship Studies on November 4, 2015.
The Post-Elections Turkey: What Lies Ahead?
Director Fuat Keyman's commentary "The Post-Elections Turkey: What Lies Ahead?" was published in Global Turkey in Europe in November 2015.
Click here to download the document.
Low Carbon Development Pathways and Priorities for Turkey
Senior Scholar and Climate Studies Coordinator Ümit Şahin, WWF-Turkey Climate & Energy Program Consultant Mustafa Özgür Berke and WWF-Turkey Expert Funda Gacal‘s report Low Carbon Development Pathways and Priorities for Turkey was published in WWF Turkey in October 2015.
Turkey after Elections: Iranian Nuclear Deal, Kurdish Peace Process and the Fight against DAESH
Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar and Conflict Resolution and Mediation Stream Coordinator Bülent Aras' article "Turkey after Elections: Iranian Nuclear Deal, Kurdish Peace Process and the Fight against DAESH" was published in Wilson Center on August 3, 2015.
Turkey, the Arab Spring and Beyond
Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar and Conflict Resolution and Mediation Stream Coordinator Bülent Aras' article "Turkey, the Arab Spring and Beyond" was published in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies on July 24, 2015.
Global Turkey in Europe III: Democracy, Trade, and the Kurdish Question in Turkey-EU Relations
(July 2014-May 2015)
Global Turkey in Europe's third volume sheds light on four key areas in EU-Turkey relations: foreign relations, democracy, the Kurdish question, and economic and trade issues. Building on its two preceding collective volumes, Global Turkey in Europe III intends to contribute to a comprehensive discussion on shaping a common Turkish-European future with an eye to key domestic, regional, and global challenges and opportunities facing both the EU and Turkey.
Click here to download the document.
Turkey's Unconsolidated Democracy: The Nexus between Democratisation and Majoritarianism in Turkey
Senior Scholar Meltem Müftüler-Baç and Director Fuat Keyman’s policy brief “Turkey’s Unconsolidated Democracy: The Nexus between Democratisation and Majoritarianism in Turkey” was published in Global Turkey in Europe in January 2015.
Click here to download the document.
Democracy, Identity and Foreign Policy in Turkey: Hegemony Through Transformation
Director Fuat Keyman and Researcher Şebnem Gümüşçü's book Democracy, Identity and Foreign Policy in Turkey: Hegemony Through Transformation was published in September 2014 with Palgrave Pivot.
Ruling vs. Governing: Pluralism and Democracy in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia
Director Fuat Keyman and Project Coordinator Şebnem Gümüşçü's analysis "Ruling vs. Governing: Pluralism and Democracy in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia” was published in German Marshall Fund of the United States on April 15, 2014.
Democracy Support in Turkey's Foreign Policy
Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar and İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty Member Senem Aydın-Düzgit's article "Democracy Support in Turkey's Foreign Policy" was published in Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on March 25, 2014.
Islamism, Electoral Hegemony, and Democracy: Lessons from Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia
Director Fuat Keyman and Project Coordinator Şebnem Gümüşçü's analysis "Islamism, Electoral Hegemony, and Democracy: Lessons from Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia" was published in The German Marshall Fund of United States on December 16, 2013.
A Comprehensive Political Parties and Election System Reform Proposal for Turkey's Democratization
Director Fuat Keyman, KONDA Research and Consultancy Chairman of Board Tarhan Erdem and KONDA Research and Consultancy General Director Bekir Ağırdır's report A Comprehensive Political Parties and Election System Reform Proposal for Turkey's Democratization (Türkiye’nin Demokratikleşmesi İçin Kapsamlı Bir Siyasi Parti ve Seçim Sistemi Reformu Önerisi) was published in December 2013.
Click here to download the document.
Kalkınma Aktörleri ve Yükselen Pazarlar
Director Fuat Keyman and Research and Academic Affairs Manager Onur Sazak's article "Kalkınma Aktörleri ve Yükselen Pazarlar" was published in TÜSİAD in December 2013.
The ‘Kurdish Question' Revisited: Modernity, Nationalism, and Citizenship in Turkey
Fevzi Bilgin and Ali Sarıhan's book Understanding Turkey's Kurdish Question was published in June 2013 with Lexington Books. The book featured a chapter by Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar Umut Özkırımlı, titled "The ‘Kurdish Question’ Revisited: Modernity, Nationalism, and Citizenship in Turkey".
Global Turkey in Europe: Political, Economic, and Foreign Policy Dimensions of Turkey's Evolving Relationship with the EU
(July 2012 - March 2013)
This research paper explores how the EU and Turkey can enhance their cooperation in the political, economic, and foreign policy domains and how they can find a way out of the stalemate EU-Turkey relations have reached with the lack of progress in accession negotiations and the increasing uncertainty over both the future of the European project after the Eurozone crisis and Turkey's role in it.
Click here to download the document.
Transforming Turkey-EU Relations: Ground for Hope
Director Fuat Keyman and Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty Member Senem Aydın-Düzgit's policy brief "Transforming Turkey-EU Relations: Ground for Hope" was published in Global Turkey in Europe in March 2013.
Click here to download the document.
Turkey's New Constitution: Transformation, Democratization, and Living Together
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Turkey’s New Constitution: Transformation, Democratization, and Living Together" was published in E-International Relations on July 25, 2012.
Turkey: An Emerging Hub of Globalization and Internationalist Humanitarian Actor?
Director Fuat Keyman and Reşat Bayer's article "Turkey: An Emerging Hub of Globalization and Internationalist Humanitarian Actor?" was published in Globalizations in February 2012.
The Era of Dominant Party Politics
Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar Meltem Müftüler Baç's article "The Era of Dominant Party Politics" was published in Journal of Democracy in January 2012.
Perceptions of Democracy in Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman and Sabancı University Faculty Member Özge Kemahlıoğlu's report Perceptions of Democracy in Turkey (Türkiye’de Demokrasi Algısı) was published in May 2011.
Click here to download the document.
Symbiotic Antagonisms: Competing Nationalisms in Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Scholar Ayşe Kadıoğlu's book Symbiotic Antagonisms: Competing Nationalisms in Turkey was published in April 2011 with University of Utah Press.
A Tale of Ambiguity: Citizenship, Nationalism and Democracy in Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman and Tuba Kancı's article "A Tale of Ambiguity: Citizenship, Nationalism and Democracy in Turkey" was published in Nations and Nationalism in January 2011.
Kentler: Anadolu'nun Dönüşümü, Türkiye'nin Geleceği
Director Fuat Keyman's book Kentler: Anadolu’nun Dönüşümü, Türkiye’nin Geleceği was published in February 2010 with Doğan Kitapları.
Turkey, Transformation and the Left Media
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Turkey, Transformation and the Left Media" was published in Turkish Studies in February 2011.
Remaking Turkey: Globalization, Alternative Modernities and Democracies
Director Fuat Keyman's book Remaking Turkey: Globalization, Alternative Modernities and Democracies was published in 2008 with Lexington Books.
Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations
Director Fuat Keyman and Ziya Öniş's book Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations was published in October 2007 with İstanbul Bilgi University Press.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin
Climate, state(s) and policies
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with IPM Experts
Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Medyascope collaborated on “Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?” program, prepared in cooperation with Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Medyascope, was titled ‘Analysis of Parties’ Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances” with Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Alkım Bağ, Fuat Keyman, Ümit Şahin and Hakan Yavuzyılmaz.
“Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin
Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin participated in the 89th episode of “Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?” program, Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin participated in the 89th episode of the program titled ‘Why is the Green Party Blocked in Turkey?’.
Unhappy, Anxious, Insecure My Beautiful Country
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Unhappy, Anxious, Insecure My Beautiful Country (Mutsuz, Kaygılı, Güvensiz Güzel Ülkem)" was published in Politikyol on April 24, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Three Challenges to Challenge the Opposition
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Three Challenges to Challenge the Opposition (Muhalefeti Zorlayacak Üç Meydan Okuma)" was published in Politikyol on April 17, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
The Effect of Ukraine War on Elections: Hungary, Serbia, France, Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman's article "The Effect of Ukraine War on Elections: Hungary, Serbia, France, Turkey (Ukrayna Savaşının Seçimlere Etkisi: Macaristan, Sırbistan, Fransa, Türkiye)" was published in Politikyol on April 10, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Ukraine War: Geopolitical Change, Vital Destruction, Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Ukraine War: Geopolitical Change, Vital Destruction, Turkey (Ukrayna Savaşı: Jeopolitik Değişim, Yaşamsal Yıkım, Türkiye)" was published in Politikyol on April 3, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Dignity, Vitality, Patriotism
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Dignity, Vitality, Patriotism (Haysiyet, Yaşamdaşlık, Vatanseverlik)" was published in Politikyol on March 27, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Injustice, Dignity Issue, Patience
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Injustice, Dignity Issue, Patience (Adaletsizlik, Haysiyet Sorunu, Sabır)" was published in Karar on March 23, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Does Playing With the Electoral System Win Elections?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Does Playing With the Electoral System Win Elections? (Seçim Sistemiyle Oynamak Seçim Kazandırır Mı?)" was published in Politikyol on March 20, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Putin's War The World and Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Putin's War The World and Turkey (Putin’in Savaşı Dünya ve Türkiye)" was published in Karar on March 15, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
The Kurdish Question: Forgive any Wrong, Normalization, Equal Citizenship
Director Fuat Keyman's article "The Kurdish Question: Forgive any Wrong, Normalization, Equal Citizenship (Kürt Sorunu: Helâlleşme, Normalleşme, Eşit Vatandaşlık )" was published in Politikyol on March 13, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Strengthened Parliamentary System and Alliance Politics
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Strengthened Parliamentary System and Alliance Politics (Güçlendirilmiş Parlamenter Sistem ve İttifak Siyaseti)" was published in Politikyol on March 6, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Putin's War: Expansive Liberation
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Putin's War: Expansive Liberation (Putin’in Savaşı: Yayılmacı Kurtarımcılık)" was published in Politikyol on February 27, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Nation Alliance, Patriotism, Alliance Politics
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Nation Alliance, Patriotism, Alliance Politics (Millet İttifakı, Vatanseverlik, İttifak Siyaseti)" was published in Politikyol on February 20, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Elections, Change of Power and Re-Democratization
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Elections, Change of Power and Re-Democratization (Seçimler, İktidar Değişikliği ve Yeniden-Demokratikleşme)" was published in Politikyol on February 13, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Pargalı İbrahim Pasha, State and Foreign Policy
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Pargalı İbrahim Pasha, State and Foreign Policy (Pargalı İbrahim Paşa, Devlet ve Dış Politika)" was published in Perspektif on February 8, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Elections in the Country of Happiness
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Elections in the Country of Happiness (Mutluluk Ülkesinde Seçimler)" was published in Politikyol on February 8, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Future Politics
Director Fuat Keyman and Senior Specialist Evren Balta's article "Future Politics (Gelecek Siyaseti)" was published in Politikyol on February 6, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Can the Opposition win the elections?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Can the Opposition win the elections? (Muhalefet seçimleri kazanabilir mi?)" was published in Politikyol on January 30, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Alliance Politics
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Alliance Politics (İttifak Siyaseti)" was published in Perspektif on January 25, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Why is the Green Party blocked and what should the Opposition do?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Why is the Green Party blocked and what should the Opposition do? (Yeşiller Partisi niye engelleniyor ve Muhalefet ne yapmalı?)" was published in Politikyol on January 23, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
What we have learned while remembering Hrant Dink
Director Fuat Keyman's article "What we have learned while remembering Hrant Dink (Hrant Dink'i anarken vicdanın sesinden öğrendiklerimiz)" was published in Karar on January 19, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Listening to Kılıçdaroğlu
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Listening to Kılıçdaroğlu (Kılıçdaroğlu’nu dinlerken)" was published in PolitikYol on January 16, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Security Risks of the Globe, Turkey's Search for a Foreign Policy
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Security Risks of the Globe, Turkey's Search for a Foreign Policy (Dünyanın Güvenlik Riskleri, Türkiye’nin Dış Politika Arayışları)" was published in Perspektif on January 11, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Elections, Re-democratization and the Grand Nation Alliance
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Elections, Re-democratization and the Grand Nation Alliance (Seçimler, yeniden demokratikleşme ve Büyük Millet İttifakı)" was published in PolitikYol on January 9, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Zamir and Don't Look Up
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Zamir and Don't Look Up (Zamir ve Yukarı Bakma)" was published in Karar on January 5, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Desmond Tutu, Making Amends and the Kurdish Question
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Desmond Tutu, Making Amends and the Kurdish Question (Desmond Tutu, Helâlleşme ve Kürt Sorunu)" was published in PolitikYol on January 2, 2022. Please click here to read the article.
Uncertainty - Anxiety Spiral
Director Fuat Keyman's article "2022: Uncertainty - Anxiety Spiral (2022: Belirsizlik-Kaygı Sarmalı)" was published in Perspektif on December 28, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Izmir: Can Democracy Be the Life-Style?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Izmir: Can Democracy Be the Life-Style? (İzmir: Demokrasi hayat tarzı olabilir mi?)" was published in PolitikYol on December 26, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Scenarios (Senaryolar)" was published in PolitikYol on December 19, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
A Crisis or the Construction of the New?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "A Crisis or the Construction of the New? (Kriz mi Yeninin İnşası mı?)" was published in Perspektif on December 14, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
An Opposition-Government Comparison
Director Fuat Keyman's article "An Opposition-Government Comparison (Bir Muhalefet-İktidar Karşılaştırması)" was published in PolitikYol on December 12, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Nation: The Precious that the Power Constantly Impoverishes
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Nation: The Precious that the Power Constantly Impoverishes (Millet: İktidarın Sürekli Fakirleştirdiği Değerlisi)" was published in PolitikYol on December 5, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Sultan and Queen
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Sultan and Queen (Sultan ve Kraliçe)" was published in PolitikYol on November 28, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Is the Opposition's Eager to Rule Turkey Getting Stronger?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Is the Opposition's Eager to Rule Turkey Getting Stronger? (Muhalefetin Türkiye'yi yönetme İddiası Güçleniyor mu?)" was published in PolitikYol on November 21, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Why are the Upcoming Elections Historic?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Why are the Upcoming Elections Historic? (Yaklaşan Seçimler Niye Tarihi Önemde?)" was published in PolitikYol on November 21, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and the Youth: Is Global Warming and Climate Change not Considered Important?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and the Youth: Is Global Warming and Climate Change not Considered Important? (Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu ve Gençler: Küresel Isınma ve İklim Değişikliği Önemli Görülmüyor mu?)" was published in PolitikYol on November 14, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Fellowship: Another Turkey and The World is Possible
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Fellowship: Another Turkey and The World is Possible (Yaşamdaşlık: Başka Bir Türkiye ve Dünya Mümkün)" was published in PolitikYol on November 7, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
The Squid Game: A Creative and Effective Critique of Neoliberalism
Director Fuat Keyman's article "The Squid Game: A Creative and Effective Critique of Neoliberalism (Kalamar Oyunu: Yaratıcı ve Etkili Bir Neoliberalizm Eleştirisi)" was published in Karar on October 31, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Why is Atatürk Still Considered a Global-Visionary Leader Today?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Why is Atatürk Still Considered a Global-Visionary Leader Today? (Atatürk Niye Bugün Hala Küresel-Vizyoner Lider Olarak Kabul Ediliyor?)" was published in PolitikYol on October 31, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Global Warming, Climate and Green Transformation: What Should the Opposition Do?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Global Warming, Climate and Green Transformation: What Should the Opposition Do? (Küresel Isınma, İklim ve Yeşil Dönüşüm: Muhalefet Ne Yapmalı?)" was published in PolitikYol on October 24, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
When Nationalism and Patriotism Diverge: Was Atatürk Patriotic First?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "When Nationalism and Patriotism Diverge: Was Atatürk Patriotic First? (Milliyetçilik ve Vatanseverlik Ayrışırken: Atatürk Önce Vatansever Miydi?)" was published in PolitikYol on October 17, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Double Criticism: Is Re-Democratization Possible?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Double Criticism: Is Re-Democratization Possible? (İkili Eleştiri: Yeniden Demokratikleşme Mümkün mü?)" was published in Perspektif on October 14, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Is it possible to move from the Turkey of Identities to the “Turkey of Values”?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Is it possible to move from the Turkey of Identities to the “Turkey of Values”? (Kimlikler Türkiye’sinden “Değerler Türkiyesi”ne geçmek mümkün mü?)" was published in PolitikYol on October 10, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Canadian and German elections: lessons to be learned
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Canadian and German elections: Lessons to be Learned (Kanada ve Almanya seçimleri: Alınacak Dersler)" was published in PolitikYol on October 3, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Kurdish Issue and Conflict Resolution: When CHP Breaks the Game
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Kurdish Issue and Conflict Resolution: When CHP Breaks the Game (Kürt Sorunu ve Çatışma Çözümü: CHP Oyunu Bozunca)" was published in PolitikYol on September 26, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Dual Criticism: The Dream of Democratic Secularism
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Dual Criticism: The Dream of Democratic Secularism (İkili Eleştiri: Demokratik Laiklik Hayali)" was published in Perspektif on September 25, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Why do secularism and democracy matter?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Why do secularism and democracy matter? (Laiklik ve demokrasi niye önemli?)" was published in PolitikYol on September 19, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Another Turkey is possible: Eskişehir
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Another Turkey is possible: Eskişehir (Başka bir Türkiye Mümkün:Eskişehir)" was published in PolitikYol on September 12, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Evren Balta and Fuat Keyman
Squid Game ve Düşündürdükleri
Welcoming of the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows
We welcome our 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows Anna Zadrożna, Arzu Karakulak, Ezgi Ediboğlu, Onur Sazak, Sibel Karadağ and Theocharis Grigoriadis.
Anna Zadrożna | Green Spaces for Cities Survival: Use and Perception of Green Spaces in Istanbul and Strategies for their Sustainable Governance
Arzu Karakulak | Unpuzzling the Pandemic-Prejudice Link: Understanding How and When the Threat of COVID-19 Leads to Prejudice Against Refugees
Ezgi Ediboğlu | The Technology Roadmap on Combating Climate Change: A Proposal for Turkey
Onur Sazak | Reengaging European Philanthropy in the Restoration of Turkish Civil Society
Sibel Karadağ | On the Eve of a New “Deal”: Scope, Actors, and Method
Theocharis Grigoriadis | German-style Energy Transitions: Wind Energy & Development in Turkey
Three Crises, Two Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Three Crises, Two Turkey (Üç kriz, iki Türkiye)" was published in PolitikYol on September 5, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Green Party: Turkey's Need
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Green Party: Turkey's Need (Yeşiller Partisi: Türkiye'nin Gereksinimi)" was published in Karar on July 30, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
Has Turkey's Quest for “Strategic Autonomy” Run its Course?
Director Fuat Keyman and Galip Dalay's article "Has Turkey’s Quest for 'Strategic Autonomy' Run its Course?" was published in GMF on July 23, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
HDI/SDG Initiative for Best Practices Experience Sharing Platform
In cooperation with INGEV, IPC launched the HDI/SDG Initiative for Best Practices Experience Sharing Platform on 8-9 July 2021. The platform aims to found an extensive medium for the municipalities to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.
On the first day of the event, we hosted representatives from UNDP Turkey, UCLG-MEWA, EBRD Turkey, World Bank Turkey, the Lord Mayor of Mannheim, and the Director of Agenda of 2030 of Barcelona with high-level participation from CSOs, the private sector, academia and public institutions working on SDGs. The main topics discussed were the new trends in urbanization, the aim and scope of SDGs for cities, and best practices from Mannheim and Barcelona.
On the second day, we hosted 10 metropolitan municipalities to discuss their good practices on localizing SDGs. These municipalities also got higher places in the Human Development Index-Metropolitan Municipalities.
Please click here to access the program.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Bekir Ağırdır and Fuat Keyman
Türkiye'de Muhalefet Ne Durumda?
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Rıdvan Akın and Fuat Keyman
19 Mayıs Vesilesiyle Atatürk'ü Anmak
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Evren Balta & Fuat Keyman
Ukrayna-Rusya Krizi Bağlamında Türkiye-AB-Rusya İlişkileri
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Ayşe Köse Badur and Fuat Keyman
Kentlerin Türkiyesi ve Yeni Yerellik
Unhappy, Unjust, Insecure Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman’s article "Unhappy, Unjust, Insecure Turkey (Mutsuz, Adaletsiz, Güvensiz Türkiye)" was published in Karar on February 23, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı
Biden Döneminde Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Evren Balta
2021'e Dair Olasılıklar ve Beklentiler
2021'de Nasıl bir Dünya; Nasıl bir Türkiye?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "2021’de Nasıl bir Dünya; Nasıl bir Türkiye?" was published in Perspektif on January 5, 2021. Please click here to read the article.
The Rise of the Psychology: Subversive Polarization, Anxiety and Anxious Citizens
Director Fuat Keyman’s article "The Rise of the Psychology: Subversive Polarization, Anxiety and Anxious Citizens (Psikolojinin Yükselişi: Yıkıcı Kutuplaşma, Kaygı ve Endişeli Vatandaşlar) was published in Karar on December 16, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Bir Başkadır
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Bir Başkadır" was published in Karar on November 11, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
New Locality and the Possibility of 'Re-Democratization' in Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman's article "New Locality and the Possibility of 'Re-Democratization' in Turkey (Yeni Yerellik ve Türkiye’de ‘Yeniden Demokratikleşme’ Olasılığı)" was published in Karar on October 30, 2020.
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Ümit Şahin, Fikret Adaman, Atila Eralp, Ayşe Köse Badur, Gökçe Uysal and Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı
2020'de Ne Yaptık? 2021'den Ne Bekliyoruz?
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman and Galip Dalay
Biden Döneminde Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman and Evren Balta
"Bir Başkadır": Kesişen Dünyalar ve Kutuplaşma
Isolationism: A History of America's Efforts to Shield Itself from the World by Charles Kupchan
The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled "Isolationism: A History of America’s Efforts to Shield Itself from the World by Charles Kupchan (Oxford University Press, October 2020)" with the participation of Charles Kupchan, Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit and Soli Özel on November 6, 2020.
İklim Değişikliği Bağlamında Tarımda Dönüşümün Politik Ekolojisi
The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Inititative organized the webinar “İklim Değişikliği Bağlamında Tarımda Dönüşümün Politik Ekolojisi” with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Fikret Adaman and Zafer Yenal on November 6, 2020.
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman and Ayşe Köse Badur
Bir Fikir ve Yönetim olarak Cumhuriyet
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman, Pankaj Mishra and Yusuf Leblebici
Anxiety, Anger and Hope: A Critical Look at the Post-Corona World
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman and Galip Dalay
Doğu Akdeniz'den Kafkasya'ya: Jeopolitiğin Geri Dönüşü
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin
Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?
Anadolu Siyasi Tarihinde Denge ve Denetleme Tartışmaları
Istanbul Policy Center and Checks and Balances Network organized the webinar "Anadolu Siyasi Tarihinde Denge ve Denetleme Tartışmaları: Dünya Tarihi Perspektifi & Mutlak İktidarın Kısıtlanması Bağlamında Avrupa ve Asya’nın Entelektüel, Siyasi ve İktisadi Dinamikleri" with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Evrim Binbaş, Huricihan İslamoğlu, and Onur Kalkan on September 10.
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye” with Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and Ümit Şahin
Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye” with Fuat Keyman, Bekir Ağırdır, and Hayriye Ataş
Türkiye'de Demokrasi Algısı
'New Localism' Against Neoliberalism: The Tale of Eight Cities
Director Fuat Keyman and Berrin Koyuncu-Lorasdağı's book The Tale of Eight Cities: New Localism and New Middle Classes in Turkey (Sekiz Kentin Hikâyesi: Türkiye’de Yeni Yerellik ve Yeni Orta Sınıflar) was introduced in an article titled "'New Localism' Against Neoliberalism: The Tale of Eight Cities" by Beyza Ertem on July 9, 2020 in GazeteDuvar.
Please click here to read the article.
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye” with Fuat Keyman and Feyzi Baban
Post-Korona Dünyada Milliyetçilik, Vatanseverlik ve Kozmopolitlik
“Salgın ve Toplum” Webinar Series: “İdlib'den Libya'ya: Batı-Avrasya Sarkacında Türk Dış Politikası”
June 19, 2020
“Salgın ve Toplum” Webinar Series: “Dijitalleşen Post-Korona Dünyada Potansiyeller ve Riskler”
June 22, 2020
“Salgın ve Toplum” Webinar Series: “Post-Korona Dünya Düzeni: Adalet, Eşitlik ve Temel Özgürlükler”
June 15, 2020
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye" with Fuat Keyman and Feyzi Baban
Amerika'dan Çıkarılacak Dersler: Demokrasi, Özgürlük, Eşitsizlik
The US is Burning: Racism, Unemployment, Polarization
Istanbul Policy Center organized the webinar “The US is Burning: Racism, Unemployment, Polarization (Amerika Yanıyor: Irkçılık, İşsizlik, Kutuplaşma)” with the participation of Senior Scholar Ayşe Kadıoğlu, UCLA Scholar Erdem İlter, Director Fuat Keyman, and Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit on June 4, 2020.
The Dark Face of the U.S.: Racism, Inequality, Second-Class Citizenship
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Post-Corona World: Changing Parameters of Politics and Turkey (The Dark Face of the U.S.: Racism, Inequality, Second-Class Citizenship)” was published in Karar on June 2, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Post-Corona Turkey and the Change in Politics
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Post-Corona Turkey and the Change in Politics (Post-Korona Türkiye ve Siyasette Değişim)” was published in Perspektif on May 27, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Post-Corona World: Changing Parameters of Politics and Turkey
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Post-Corona World: Changing Parameters of Politics and Turkey (Post-Korona Dünya: Siyasetin Değişen Parametreleri ve Türkiye)” was published in Karar on May 12, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Post-Corona World: Is it the End of Global U.S. Leadership?
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Post-Corona World: Is it the End of Global U.S. Leadership? (Post-Korona Dünya: Amerika’nın Küresel Liderliğinin Sonu Mu?)” was published in Karar on April 26, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Conflict Resolution, Syria, and Idlib in the Post-Corona World
Istanbul Policy Center organized the webinar “Conflict Resolution, Syria, and Idlib in the Post-Corona World (Post-Korona Dünyada Çatışma Çözümü, Suriye ve İdlib)” with the participation of Senior Scholar Bülent Aras, Director Fuat Keyman, Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and Şaban Kardaş from TOBB University of Economics and Technology on May 27, 2020.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye" with Fuat Keyman and Nebi Sümer
Salgın Döneminde Toplumsal Psikoloji ve Birey Olmak
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye" with Fuat Keyman and Atila Eralp
Korona Sonrası Dünyada Çok Taraflılık
"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Korona Sonrası Sosyal Adalet: Mülteciler, Mevsimlik İşçiler ve İşsizler"
May 11, 2020
"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Pandemi Döneminde Toplumsal Psikoloji ve Birey Olmak"
April 27, 2020
Post-Corona World: Social Cohesion and Moral Self-Virtous Citizenry
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Post-Corona World: Social Cohesion and Moral Self-Virtous Citizenry (Post-Korona Dünya: Toplumsal Uyum ve Ahlaki Benlik-Erdemli Vatandaşlık)” was published in Karar on April 21, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
"Salgın ve Toplum" Webinar Series: "Küreselleşme ve Dünya Düzeni: Devlet, Ekonomi, Kimlik"
April 20, 2020
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye" with Fuat Keyman and Evren Balta
Küresel Salgın Döneminde Tedirginlik
Corona Pandemic and Globalization: What Kind of a World Will We Live in?
Director Fuat Keyman’s article “Corona Pandemic and Globalization: What Kind of a World Will We Live in? (Korona Pandemisi Ve Küreselleşme: Nasıl Bir Dünyada Yaşayacağız?)” was published in Perspektif on April 3, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Turkey-Russia Relations From Atatürk-Lenin to Erdoğan-Putin
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Turkey-Russia Relations From Atatürk-Lenin to Erdoğan-Putin (Atatürk-Lenin’den Erdoğan-Putin’e Türkiye-Rusya İlişkileri)" was published in Perspektif on March 11, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Flexible Alliance Period in Foreign Policy
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Flexible Alliance Period in Foreign Policy (Dış Politikada Esnek İttifak Dönemi)" was published in Perspektif on February 5, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
Globalizing World and Turkey in 2020s
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Globalizing World and Turkey in 2020s (2020’lerde Küreselleşen Dünya ve Türkiye)" was published in UİK Panorama on January 22, 2020. Please click here to read the article.
City Region: New Perspective in Development and Growth
City Region: New Perspective in Development and Growth was published in TURKONFED BIZ.
State, Economy, Democracy: What kind of a New Story?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "State, Economy, Democracy: What kind of a New Story? (Devlet, Ekonomi, Demokrasi: Nasıl bir Yeni Hikaye?)" was published in Karar on November 22, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
‘Pax Russica ': Syrian Equation as it Moves into the Post-Conflict Period
Director Fuat Keyman's article "‘‘Pax Russica ': Syrian Equation as it Moves into the Post-Conflict Period (Pax Russica’: Çatışma-sonrası döneme geçerken Suriye Denklemi)" was published in Karar on October 30, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
Operation Peace Spring: Can ‘Offensive realism' be successful?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Operation Peace Spring: Can ‘Offensive realism' be successful? (Barış Pınarı: ‘Ofansif Realizm’ Başarılı Olabilir mi?)" was published in Karar on October 14, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
Patriotism today: Is it possible to be a patriot without being a chauvinist?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Patriotism today: Is it possible to be a patriot without being a chauvinist? (Vatanseverlik Bugün: Milliyetçi Olmadan Vatansever Olmak Mümkün mü?)" was published in Karar on September 12, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
Elections in Istanbul: Anxious Middle Classes, and Turkey's Future
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Elections in Istanbul: Anxious Middle Classes, and Turkey's Future (İstanbul Seçimleri Kaygılı Orta Sınıflar Türkiye’nin Geleceği)" was published in Karar on May 24, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
How to Read the Local Elections?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "How to Read the Local Elections? (Yerel Seçim Nasıl Okunmalı?)" was published in Karar on April 5, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
'Trump factor' 'Flexible alliances' Turkey-West Relations
Director Fuat Keyman's article "‘'Trump factor' 'Flexible alliances' Turkey-West Relations (Trump faktörü’ ‘Esnek ittifaklar’ Türkiye-Batı ilişkileri)" was published in Karar on March 21, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
Crisis in Turkey-US Relations: Notes from Washington?
Director Fuat Keyman's article "Türkiye-ABD İlişkilerinde Kriz Washington’da Ne Konuşuluyor? (Crisis in Turkey-US Relations: Notes from Washington?)" was published in Karar on March 18, 2019. Please click here to read the article.
21st Century: The Era of Cities interview was published in TURKONFED BIZ
Please click here to read the report.
Cosmopolitan Democracy Revisited in a World of Rising Populism, Deepening Polarization and Rampant Neoliberalism
2015/16 Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande Paker convened a conference titled “Cosmopolitan Democracy Revisited in a World of Rising Populism, Deepening Polarization and Rampant Neoliberalism” on October 24-25, 2016 at IPC.
Neoliberal Globalization and Populist Tendencies: Turkey in the Global Context
The Initiative organized a panel titled “Neoliberal Globalization and Populist Tendencies: Turkey in the Global Context” with 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Çağlar Keyder and IPC Director Fuat Keyman on June 9, 2016 at Cezayir Restaurant, Istanbul.
Turkey-EU Relations in the Post-July 15 Era: A Needed Cooperation and Collaboration
Istanbul Policy Center organized a panel “Turkey-EU Relations in the Post-July 15 Era A Needed Cooperation and Collaboration” on October 10, 2016, at The Seed, Sakıp Sabancı Museum.
The panel, which was moderated by Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Senior Scholar & Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator at IPC, hosted Fuat Keyman, Director of Istanbul Policy Center; Ruprecht Polenz, Former Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs at German Bundestag and 2014/15 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow; Nilüfer Göle, Professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and 2014/15 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow; and Gerald Knaus, Founding Chairman of the European Stability Initiative and 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow, as speakers.
Faith and Aesthetics in Public Space – Places of Worship Amid Tradition and Power
This is the second event in a series on mosques and Islam in public space. In the first panel, we have discussed the theme of Faith and Aesthetics in Public Space around the architecture of mosques both in Turkey and Europe.
This panel explored the meaning and transformation of places of worship in relation to tradition and power. The event brought together academics from different disciplinary backgrounds in order to engage in a discussion of significant issues.
Reconceptualizing Religious Norms, Rights and Practices of Muslims and Jews in Europe
The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative and The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Berlin co-organized the second meeting of the study group A Shared Perspective of Jews and Muslims for Europe on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 in Berlin.
The group has been initiated by Professor Nilüfer Göle and Professor Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin and explores the ways in which Jews and Muslims relate to secular modernity and to European pluralism. The first meeting, which took place in July 2014 in Istanbul, focused on the controversy on male circumcision. The meeting in Berlin focused on the controversy on halal/kosher foods and ritual slaughtering in Europe.
Bridging Troubled Waters – The Future of Turkey in Europe
Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative, the Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies and the European Union and Global Research Association organized a panel discussion on “Bridging Troubled Waters – The Future of Turkey in Europe” on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at TOBB-ETÜ Sosyal Tesisler. The event took place within the framework of Hannes Swoboda’s Mercator-IPC Senior Fellowship and hosted Co-chair of the Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission Afif Demirkıran as a speaker.
Urban Citizenship in Turkey
The predominant perception of citizenship in Turkey strongly emphasizes the individual’s responsibilities towards the state. Furthermore, citizenship is traditionally framed by ethnic as well as cultural and religious categories. The social movement that found its source in the Gezi protests of the summer of 2013 puts this understanding of citizenship into question and highlights the importance of equal and active citizenship. Elaborating on the recent debate, the event aimed to explore the potentials of the concept of urban citizenship for Turkey.
Final Evaluation Meeting
The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative held the Final Evaluation Meeting with our 2023/24 Mercator-IPC Fellows on September 10, 2024. The event featured presentations of research project results by fellows, with the participation of Kerem Öktem (online), Fuat Keyman and Ümit Şahin. The presentations were followed by the fellows' evaluations of the program in terms of its objectives, impact, and future direction. A farewell dinner marked the conclusion of the 2023/24 fellowship cohort.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Atila Eralp, Eda Acara, Fuat Keyman, Nebi Sümer and Kamil Yılmaz
Atila Eralp, Eda Acara, Fuat Keyman, Nebi Sümer and Kamil Yılmaz were hosted at the final episode of 2023/24 season "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Hatem Ete, Galip Dalay and Fuat Keyman
Hatem Ete, Galip Dalay and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Mercator-IPC Alumni Retreat 2024
As the Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative, we are thrilled to host the 6th Alumni Event of the Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program on June 7-9, at Narköy, İzmit.
We believe that the synergies and the exchanges in these alumni events are crucial in keeping this dynamic network alive. We are looking forward to having new opportunities for more exchange and networking among our fellows.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Mustafa Kutlay
Fuat Keyman and Mustafa Kutlay were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkish Foreign Policy's Preference for Strategic Autonomy'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Changes in Istanbul's Electoral Geography between May 14 and March 31
The “Changes in Istanbul's Electoral Geography between May 14 and March 31” event organized by IPM was held at IPM on May 7 with the participation of Murat Güvenç.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Emre Erdoğan
Fuat Keyman and Emre Erdoğan were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "The Last Bend Towards Local Elections: Who's Ahead?'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Turkey's Quest for Strategic Autonomy: Perspectives from the Middle East and the Black Sea Region
IPC organized a panel titled ''Turkey’s Quest for Strategic Autonomy: Perspectives from the Middle East and the Black Sea Region'' with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Amnon Aran ve Mustafa Kutlay on March 1, at IPC.
Reading Istanbul in Literature - 10: Kemal Tahir's Istanbul as a Material for Historiography
IPC organized a conference titled ''Reading Istanbul in Literature: Kemal Tahir's Istanbul as a Material for Historiography'' which was delivered by Elçin Arabacı and moderated by Seval Şahin at IPC on February 26.
New Prospects on Black Sea Security in 2024
IPC organized a panel discussion ''New Prospects on Black Sea Security in 2024'' in partnership with Consulate General of Ukraine in Istanbul, on February 20 at IPC.
What Kind of a City? - Commons and Coexistence
The event ''What kind of acity? - Commons and Coexistence'' took place on February 20 at IPC with the participation of Fikret Adaman, Begüm Özden Fırat and Ferhat Kentel, and moderated by Murad Tiryakioğlu.
''Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?'' with Fuat Keyman and Nebi Sümer
Fuat Keyman and Nebi Sümer were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Kızıl Goncalar, Kızılcık Şerbeti and Ömer, How Do They Describe Turkey?'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
From Farm to Table: Food, Culture and Politics Talks - Farm in the City, Avocado on Toasts
The event ''From Farm to Table: Food, Culture and Politics Talks - Farm in the City, Avocado on Toasts'' took place on February 13 at IPC with the participation of Baran Karsak, Bediz Yılmaz and Fatih Tatari, and moderated by Zafer Yenal.
What Kind of a City? Local Democracy and Inclusion
The event ''What kind of a city? - Local Democracy and Inclusion'' took place on January 30 at IPC with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Pınar Uyan Semerci and Koray Velibeyoğlu, and moderated by Murad Tiryakioğlu.
Autonomy and Contestation: Turkey, Russia, and the West
The Russia and Eurasia Program at The Fletcher School convened a panel discussion on Turkey's relations with the West and Russia on January 23, 2024 at the Fletcher School, the USA. The panelists included Fuat Keyman, Atila Eralp, and Senem Aydın-Düzgit from Istanbul Policy Center. The conversation was moderated by visiting research fellow Özgür Özkan from Fletcher Russia and Eurasia Program.
Turkey and the West: Autonomy and Contestation in a Changing Global Order
Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University convened a panel discussion on "Turkey and the West: Autonomy and Contestation in a Changing Global Order" with the participation of Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Atila Eralp, Fuat Keyman and Andrew O’Donohue as panelists and Lenore Martin as the chair. The panel discussion took place on January 22, 2024 at Center for European Studies, Harvard University, the USA.
Post-Election Turkey in a Changing Global World
The World Bank and IMF Turkish Staff Association (WITSA) convened a panel discussion on “Post-Election Turkey in a Changing Global World” with the participation of Atila Eralp and Fuat Keyman as speakers and Serdar Yılmaz from the WITSA (Governance Global Practice Manager) as the moderator. The event took place on January 18, 2024 in the USA.
Reading Istanbul with Literature 9 – Istanbul that Refik Halid Reunites, After a Long Longing
The event ''Reading Istanbul with Literature – Istanbul that Refik Halid Reunites, After a Long Longing'' took place on January 15 at IPC with the participation of Tuncay Birkan, and moderated by Seval Şahin.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" - 2023 Assessment with the Contributions of IPM
Ümit Şahin, Ebru Voyvoda, Alkım Bağ Güllü, Hayriye Ataş, Nebi Sümer, Kamil Yılmaz, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Atila Eralp and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "2023 Assessment with the Contributions of IPM'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Reading Istanbul in Literature 8 - Where Pleasure and Misery Meet: Emine Semiye's Istanbul
The event ''Reading Istanbul with Literature – Where Pleasure and Misery Meet: Emine Semiye’s Istanbul'' took place on December 18 at IPC with the participation of Dr. Tuğba Sivri, and moderated by Seval Şahin.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Reading Istanbul in Literature 7: Turning Istanbul Upside Down: Different Views of a City from Peyami Safa to Server Bedi
IPC organized a conference titled ''Reading Istanbul in Literature 7: Turning Istanbul Upside Down: Different Views of a City from Peyami Safa to Server Bedi'' which was delivered by Seda Yücekurt Ünlü and moderated by Seval Şahin at IPC on November 27.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye'' with Fuat Keyman and Ayşe Köse Badur
Fuat Keyman and Ayşe Köse Badur were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Commemorating Atatürk in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
"Arctic in International Relations"
''Uluslararası İlişkilerde Arktik'' titled book launch event was held at Istanbul Policy Center, Karakoy on November 9.
“A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations since 1923” titled book launch
“A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations since 1923” titled book launch event was held at Istanbul Policy Center, Karakoy.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Banu Turnaoğlu
Fuat Keyman and Banu Turnaoğlu were hosted at the "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey in the 100th year of the Republic'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Reading Istanbul with Literature 6 - Uniting in Istanbul: Gülten Akın's Clenched Fist
The event ''Reading Istanbul with Literature – Uniting in Istanbul: Gülten Akın's Clenched Fist'' took place on October 16 at IPC with the participation of Hasan Turgut, and moderated by Seval Şahin.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Fuat Keyman, Hatem Ete, Senem Aydın-Düzgit and Galip Dalay
Fuat Keyman, Hatem Ete, Senem Aydın-Düzgit and Galip Dalay were hosted at the 145th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman
Hatem Ete and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 144th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Reflections on Elections in Turkey amidst Geopolitical Challenges - How to Restart EU-Turkey Relations
The Initiative's ''Reflections on Elections in Turkey amidst Geopolitical Challenges - How to Restart EU-Turkey Relations'' panel took place with the participation of Funda Tekin, Fuat Keyman, Alkım Bağ Güllü, Çiğdem Nas, Wolfgang Wessels, and Ümit Şahin, moderated by Senem Aydın-Düzgit at IPC on June 8.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 140th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Book Talk: Democracy or Authoritarianism - Islamist Governments in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia
IPC organized a book talk on ''Democracy or Authoritarianism - Islamist Governments in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia,'' which Senem Aydın-Düzgit moderated, with the participation of Şebnem Gümüşçü and Fuat Keyman at IPC on May 23.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Fuat Keyman ve Hatem Ete
Fuat Keyman and Hatem Ete were hosted at the 138th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "After the First Round of Elections'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances
IPC's ''Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances'' event took place featuring Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Alkım Bağ, Fuat Keyman, Ümit Şahin, and Hakan Yavuzyılmaz at IPC on May 11.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 136th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
The Political Ecology of Food Book Launch and Discussing Food Politics on the Path to Elections
IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative and Mercator-IPC Senior Researcher Fikret Adaman organized the meeting titled "The Political Ecology of Food Book Launch and Discussing Food Policies on the Road to Elections" held with the participation of IPC Director Fuat Keyman and Boğaziçi University Faculty Member Zafer Yenal at IPC on April 13.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 132nd episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye'' with Fuat Keyman, Kemal Vural Tarlan and Feyzi Baban
Fuat Keyman, Kemal Vural Tarlan and Feyzi Baban were hosted at the 129th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Impressions of Hatay and Gaziantep After the Earthquake'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Nebi Sümer and Fuat Keyman
Nebi Sümer and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 126th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "The Earthquake, Civil Society, and Psychology'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 125th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Good Governance in Metropolitan Municipalities and Civil Society
IPC, Argüden Governance Academy, Istanbul City Council, and Checks and Balances Network organized a panel titled ''Good Governance and Civil Society in Metropolitan Municipalities'' with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Yılmaz Argüden, İnan İzci, Merve Ateş, Bekir Ağırdır, Tülin Hadi, and Hayriye Ataş at IPC on January 9.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 122nd episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Book Talk: Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
IPC organized a book talk titled ''Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders'' with the participation of Ayşe Zarakol, Fuat Keyman, and Senem Aydın-Düzgit at IPC on December 13.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye'' with Ahmet İlyas and Fuat Keyman
Ahmet İlyas and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 118th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Ancient Cities: Urfa'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Overcoming Global Problems through Local Cooperation: The Case of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Report Presentation
IPC, IKV, TEPAV, and CATS' ''Overcoming Global Problems through Local Cooperation: The Case of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality'' Report Presentation took place with the moderatorship of Senem Aydın-Düzgit and the participation of Ayşe Köse Badur, Asmin Kavas, and Çiğdem Nas at IPC on December 5.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 117th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Turkey-Germany/EU Relations in the 61st Anniversary of the Turkey-Germany Labour Recruitment Agreement
The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative's panel ''Turkey-Germany/EU Relations in the 61st Anniversary of the Turkey-Germany Labor Recruitment Agreement'' took place at IPC on November 28. IPC Research and Academic Relations Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit delivered the opening remarks. The event was moderated by IPC Director Fuat Keyman and featured former German president Christian Wulff and 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Özcan Mutlu.
Turkey at the Crossroads (Eşikteki Türkiye) 10
The Initiative and Ankara Institute Turkey initiated a new research and webinar series titled "Turkey at the Crossroads (Eşikteki Türkiye)" to understand the social, political, and economic dynamics of the transformation process that Turkey experiences closely and evaluate the interactions of social, political, and economic dynamics with national, regional, and global developments. The tenth meeting was held with the participation of Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Hatem Ete, Ferhat Kentel, Fuat Keyman and Pelin Oğuz at Limak Ambassadore Hotel on November 25.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fuat Keyman and Bertil Emrah Oder
Fuat Keyman and Bertil Emrah Oder were hosted at the 114th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Remembering and Understanding Atatürk'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?'' with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Galip Dalay, Hatem Ete, and Fuat Keyman were hosted at the 113th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Turkey at the Crossroads'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Book Talk: Post-Post-Kemalism: New Searches in Turkey Studies
IPC organized a book talk on ''Post-Post-Kemalism: New Searches in Turkey Studies (Post-Post-Kemalizm: Türkiye Çalışmalarında Yeni Arayışlar),'' which Senem Aydın-Düzgit moderated, with the participation of Fuat Keyman, İlker Aytürk, and Berk Esen at IPC on November 1.
Science Talks in the Heart of Istanbul: How Can We Create a Better World in the Second Century of the Republic of Turkey?
Bahçeşehir University Medicine Faculty's ''Science Talks in the Heart of Istanbul: How Can We Create a Better World in the Second Century of the Republic of Turkey?'' event took place with the participation of Fuat Keyman at Bahçeşehir University Fazıl Say Conference Hall at 17:00 on October 21.
Turkey at the Crossroads (Eşikteki Türkiye) 9
The Initiative and Ankara Institute Turkey initiated a new research and webinar series titled "Turkey at the Crossroads (Eşikteki Türkiye)" to understand the social, political, and economic dynamics of the transformation process that Turkey experiences closely and evaluate the interactions of social, political, and economic dynamics with national, regional, and global developments. The ninth meeting was held with the participation of Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Hatem Ete, Ferhat Kentel and Fuat Keyman at BAYETAV on October 17.
Book Talk: Pandemic, Climate, Society - What Kind of a World Will We Live in?
IPC introduced Ayşe Köse Badur's book ''Pandemic, Climate, Society - What Kind of a World Will We Live in? (Salgın, İklim, Toplum - Nasıl Bir Dünyada Yaşayacağız?)'' with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Selim Badur, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Ümit Şahin, and Nebi Sümer at Minerva Han on October 14.
The Global Rise of Modular Emergency Regimes: Turkey and Beyond
IPC held the panel ''The Global Rise of Modular Emergency Regimes: Turkey and Beyond'', which was moderated by Senem Aydın-Düzgit, with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Alper Kaliber, İlhan Uzgel, and Başak Alpan at IPC Karaköy on October 14.
''Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye'' with Fuat Keyman
Fuat Keyman was hosted by Gülçin Karabağ at the 110th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "In What Aspects 2023 Will Be an Important Year?'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
ActHuman V - ''Precarity and Social Security'' Report Launch
IPC and INGEV's report launch on "Precarity and Social Security" of the ActHuman V project took place on October 12.
European Union-Turkey Relations Roundtable Meeting
IPC and the Initiative's ''European Union-Turkey Relations Roundtable Meeting'' with German parliamentarians took place with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Anne Duncker, Jannes Tessman, Atila Eralp, Özcan Mutlu and Ebru Voyvoda at IPC on October 6.
Season Finale: "Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?
Evren Balta, Ümit Şahin, Fikret Adaman, Ayşe Köse Badur, Nebi Sümer, Atila Eralp, Hatem Ete, Kamil Yılmaz ve Fuat Keyman were hosted by at the 109th episode of "Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" program titled "Politics, Economy, Climate, Urban Studies: What do we see?"organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
ActHuman V - ''Precaria and Social Security'' Workshop
IPC and INGEV's workshop on "Precariat: Social Security for Sustainable Development" of the ActHuman V project took place on June 9.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fikret Adaman and Fuat Keyman
Fikret Adaman and Fuat Keyman were hosted by Pelin Oğuz at the 107th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Sürdürülebilir ve Dirençli Bir Gıda Sistemi: Türkiye Analizi" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
The Future of Europe/EU: Institutions, Governance, and Strategies
The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a panel discussion titled “The Future of Europe/EU: Institutions, Governance, and Strategies.” moderated by Fuat Keyman, featuring 2022 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Andreas Nick and IPC Senior Scholar and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabancı University Meltem Müftüler-Baç as speakers at Cinema Hall, Sabancı University on May 23.