İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi Bankalar Cad. No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul Türkiye    |    +90 212 292 49 39   |   ipc@sabanciuniv.edu - ipc.sabanciuniv.edu

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12 February 2025

Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World - Ecological Feminisms

The third meeting of the seminar series titled "Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World" with the initiative of 2024/25 Mercator-IPC Researcher Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Senior Researcher Fikret Adaman, was held online on 12 February 2025 with Dr. Özlem Aslan's presentation "Ecological Feminisms".

08 January 2025

Climate Cafe Talks 29 - "Climate Talks at the International Court of Justice: The Climate Crisis in International Law"

The twenty-ninth of the Climate Café Talks series was held with Dr. Nilüfer Oral's talk on “Climate Negotiations at the International Court of Justice” and moderated by Dr. Ümit Şahin on January 8, 2024 at IPC, Karaköy.

Please click here for more information about the Climate Cafe Talks.

23 December 2024

Reading Istanbul in Literature: Place As the Political Memory of Loss and Disappearance

IPC organized a conference titled ''Reading Istanbul in Literature: Place As the Political Memory of Loss and Disappearance'' which was delivered by Ayşegül Devecioğlu, and moderated by Seval Şahin on December 23, at IPC.

Please click here to watch the event.

17 December 2024

From Farm to Table: Food, Culture and Politics Talks - Nutrition-Oriented Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

The event ''From Farm to Table: Food, Culture and Politics Talks - Nutrition-Oriented Agriculture and Food Sovereignty'' took place on December 17 at IPC with the participation of İsmail Çakmak, and moderated by Zafer Yenal.

12 December 2024

Minerva Talks: Istanbul in History - Ottoman Painting in the 18th and 19th Centuries

IPC and Tarih Vakfı continue to organize the monthly ''Minerva Talks: Istanbul in History'' series. The discussion titled ''Ottoman Painting in the 18th and 19th Centuries" moderated by Ayşe Köse Badur and Ayşe Özil, was delivered by Tarkan Okçuoğlu on December 12, at IPC Karaköy.

20 November 2024

Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World - Rainwater Harvesting in Cities: Examples of Istanbul and Kadıköy

The first meeting of the seminar series titled "Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World" with the initiative of 2024/25 Mercator-IPC Researcher Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Senior Researcher Fikret Adaman, was held at IPM Karaköy on 20 November 2024 with Akgün İlhan's presentation "Rainwater Harvesting in Cities: Examples of Istanbul and Kadıköy".

19 November 2024

From Farm to Table: Food, Culture and Politics Talks -  We Are City People! What Do We Care About Wildlife?

The event ''From Farm to Table: Food, Culture and Politics Talks -  We Are City People! What Do We Care About Wildlife?'' took place on November 19 at IPC with the participation of Esra Güven and Pınar Ertör, and moderated by Zafer Yenal.

17 November 2024

Zappa Times IPC Special Series Started!

In this series, which will be published once a month on Aposto, we present selected works of IPC and our reflections on them. The first issue includes Fuat Keyman's latest article on civil society, research on Turkey's integration into the EU emission trade system and physician migration from Turkey to Germany.

For the details: https://aposto.com/i/coklu-krizler-fuat-keymana-veda

15 November 2024

After the Loss of Our Director, Prof. Dr. E. Fuat Keyman

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved professor E. Fuat Keyman, Director of Istanbul Policy Center, on October 18, 2024. Professor Keyman was a thinker, a visionary, and an inspiring professor who left a deep mark on the academic world. The valuable contributions he made to IPC will guide us into the future as we carry on his legacy. In order to keep his memory alive, we, as IPC, will continue to work with all our stakeholders and partners, growing by producing together and improve our social impact via our activities and projects.

Professor Keyman took over as the director of IPC in August 2010, and under his leadership, the center has undertaken important programs, publications, and events. The addition of new fields of study such as Democratization and Institutional Reform and Conflict Resolution and Mediation to IPC’s research agenda was realized according to Professor Keymans’s visionary approach. During this period, Democratization and Institutional Reform and Conflict Resolution and Mediation became the main research areas of IPC.

Under Professor Keyman’s leadership, the collaboration initiated with Stiftung Mercator in 2011 was recorded as one of the most comprehensive partnerships between a research center from Turkey and a German foundation, and within this scope, the Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative was established in 2012. This trilateral Initiative carried the mission of IPC even further by supporting projects that aim to strengthen academic, political, and social ties between Turkey and Europe. Since the Initiative began, 73 researchers and 23 senior researchers have had the opportunity to work at IPC and Sabancı University, promoting knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary academic development.

In 2018, with the guidance of Professor Keyman, IPC’s research areas increased to six. On May 9, 2018, the SHURA Energy Transition Center was established to contribute to the energy transition discussions in Turkey. Climate Change, as another main research area, increased the visibility of IPC and enabled the realization of leading studies in the field of climate sciences. Additionally, the field of Urbanization and Local Governance opened a new era in local governance studies by focusing on the development of economic, social, and democratic changes and globalization in important urban centers of Anatolia.

With the support of Professor Keyman, IPC continued to provide financial, technical, and intellectual support to academic and student projects within Sabancı University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences such as SU Gender, Cultural Studies, and the “Free Project.” These projects embodied Professor Keyman’s vision for society by promoting gender equality, cultural studies, and free thought.

Professor Keyman’s leadership not only improved IPC’s research capacity but also transformed IPC into an important think tank for regional and global policymakers. Thanks to him, IPC became more recognized at the national and international levels as one of Turkey’s leading think tanks. Professor Keyman’s work will continue to inspire us and guide future generations. We will always keep his name and legacy alive.

05 November 2024

Physician Migration from Turkey to Germany

2023/24 Mercator-IPC Researcher Hande Güzel organised a panel on "Physician Migration from Turkey to Germany" on 5 November 2024 at IP Karaköy. In the panel, Ahmet İçduygu gave a speech titled  "’High-Skilled Migration in Times of Multiple Crises: A Discussion on the Case of Turkey".