Fikret Adaman is a 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow and a professor of economics at Boğaziçi University. Adaman completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics at Boğaziçi University and his PhD at Manchester University. His research focuses on environmental economics; the relationship between food, agriculture, and economics; history of economic thought; political ecology; Turkey’s political economy; and social policies. He was the advisor to the rector and chairperson at the Department of Economics at Boğaziçi University. He has been a visiting scholar/researcher at the University of Bologna, Erasmus University, the University of Utah, Purdue University, and the University of Massachusetts. He works on the topic of social exclusion for the Turkey expert team of the European Commission. As a Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow, Adaman will focus on the relationship between transformations in the agricultural sector and the climate crisis as well as the food regime and policies.
Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances
Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Alkım Bağ, Fuat Keyman, Ümit Şahin, and Hakan Yavuzyılmaz's "Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances" was published in May 2023.
Click here to download the document in Turkish.
Pandemic, Climate, Society
As Istanbul Policy Center, from the beginning of 2020, when the COVID-19 epidemic began, we organized numerous panels on the web, where the situation of the world, societies, and individuals under the epidemic conditions was evaluated. We would like to share our book titled 'Pandemic, Climate, Society' prepared from these panels: We discussed the economic and social effects of the epidemic in the world, especially in the European Union and Turkey, starting from the very first days. Most participants think that there is a lot we can learn from this experience and that we need to mobilize this experience towards a just world order to cope with future epidemics and ecological crises. We are publishing this book at a point where we leave the epidemic behind with the discovery and application of the vaccine. For us, the great success of the last two years belongs to science, doctors, health workers, and scientists around the world. We would like to thank our listeners who followed our panels and guided our work with their suggestions and all our speakers who contributed, especially Ayşe Köse Badur and Semih Sökmen, who prepared this work for publication.
Please click here for more information.
A Sustainable and Resilient Food System: An Analysis of Turkey
Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman's report “A Sustainable and Resilient Food System: An Analysis of Turkey” was published in March 2022.
Click here to download the document in Turkish.
The Political Ecology of the Agriculture Transformation In the Context of Climate Change
Boğaziçi University Faculty Member Fikret Adaman, Researcher Duygu Avcı, International Institute of Social Studies Doctoral Student Umut Kocagöz and Boğaziçi University Graduate Student Gökçe Yeniev's report "The Political Ecology of the Agriculture Transformation In the Context of Climate Change (İklim Değişikliği Bağlamında Tarımda Dönüşümün Politik Ekolojisi)" was published in November 2020.
Click here to download the document in Turkish.
"Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" with IPM Experts
Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Medyascope collaborated on “Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?” program, prepared in cooperation with Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Medyascope, was titled ‘Analysis of Parties’ Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances” with Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Alkım Bağ, Fuat Keyman, Ümit Şahin and Hakan Yavuzyılmaz.
Welcoming of the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows
We welcome our 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows Anna Zadrożna, Arzu Karakulak, Ezgi Ediboğlu, Onur Sazak, Sibel Karadağ and Theocharis Grigoriadis.
Anna Zadrożna | Green Spaces for Cities Survival: Use and Perception of Green Spaces in Istanbul and Strategies for their Sustainable Governance
Arzu Karakulak | Unpuzzling the Pandemic-Prejudice Link: Understanding How and When the Threat of COVID-19 Leads to Prejudice Against Refugees
Ezgi Ediboğlu | The Technology Roadmap on Combating Climate Change: A Proposal for Turkey
Onur Sazak | Reengaging European Philanthropy in the Restoration of Turkish Civil Society
Sibel Karadağ | On the Eve of a New “Deal”: Scope, Actors, and Method
Theocharis Grigoriadis | German-style Energy Transitions: Wind Energy & Development in Turkey
The Political Ecology of Food 8 - "Gıdanın Üretim ve Tüketim Mekânları: KIR, KENT, KIR-KENT"
23 June 2021
The Political Ecology of Food 7 - Sustainable Nutrition: The Effects of What We Eat/Drink on Our Health and the Planet
9 June 2021
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" Fikret Adaman and Galip Yalman
Türkiye'ye ve Dünyaya Sınıfsal Bakmak
The Political Ecology of Food 3 - "The Key Subjects of the Food System: Farmers, Part-Time Farmers, Seasonal Workers and Others"
14 April 2021
The Political Ecology of Food 2 - Sustainability of Nutrition and the Political Economy of Our Dinner Table
31 March 2021
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Ümit Şahin, Fikret Adaman, Atila Eralp, Ayşe Köse Badur, Gökçe Uysal and Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı
2020'de Ne Yaptık? 2021'den Ne Bekliyoruz?
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fikret Adaman and Ümit Şahin
Prof. Dr. Fikret Adaman and Ümit Şahin participated in the 38th episode titled "Climate Crisis Perception in Turkey and Possible Solutions" of the program “Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?", prepared in collaboration with the Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Medyascope.
İklim Değişikliği Bağlamında Tarımda Dönüşümün Politik Ekolojisi
The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Inititative organized the webinar “İklim Değişikliği Bağlamında Tarımda Dönüşümün Politik Ekolojisi” with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Fikret Adaman and Zafer Yenal on November 6, 2020.
Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World - Environment Between Law and Justice: Legal Consciousness of Environmental Movements in Turkey
The second meeting of the seminar series titled "Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World" with the initiative of 2024/25 Mercator-IPC Researcher Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Senior Researcher Fikret Adaman, was held at IPM Karaköy on 11 December 2024 with Dr. Rüya Yüksel's presentation "Environment Between Law and Justice: Legal Consciousness of Environmental Movements in Turkey".
Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World - Rainwater Harvesting in Cities: Examples of Istanbul and Kadıköy
The first meeting of the seminar series titled "Political Ecology, in Turkey and the World" with the initiative of 2024/25 Mercator-IPC Researcher Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Senior Researcher Fikret Adaman, was held at IPM Karaköy on 20 November 2024 with Akgün İlhan's presentation "Rainwater Harvesting in Cities: Examples of Istanbul and Kadıköy".
What Kind of a City? - Commons and Coexistence
The event ''What kind of acity? - Commons and Coexistence'' took place on February 20 at IPC with the participation of Fikret Adaman, Begüm Özden Fırat and Ferhat Kentel, and moderated by Murad Tiryakioğlu.
Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances
IPC's ''Analysis of Party Promises on the Eve of 2023 Elections: Foreign Policy, Food Policies, Climate Change and Energy Policies, Checks and Balances'' event took place featuring Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Alkım Bağ, Fuat Keyman, Ümit Şahin, and Hakan Yavuzyılmaz at IPC on May 11.
The Political Ecology of Food Book Launch and Discussing Food Politics on the Path to Elections
IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative and Mercator-IPC Senior Researcher Fikret Adaman organized the meeting titled "The Political Ecology of Food Book Launch and Discussing Food Policies on the Road to Elections" held with the participation of IPC Director Fuat Keyman and Boğaziçi University Faculty Member Zafer Yenal at IPC on April 13.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fikret Adaman and Cihan Erdönmez
Fikret Adaman and Cihan Erdönmez were hosted at the 127th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "The Earthquakes, Disaster Management, and Green Spaces'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
The Evaluation of 2022 with the Contribution of IPC -"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?"
Ümit Şahin, Alkım Bağ Güllü, Fikret Adaman, Hayriye Ataş, Ayşe Köse Badur, and Senem Aydın-Düzgit were hosted at the 121st episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "The Evaluation of 2022 with the Contribution of IPC'' organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Season Finale: "Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?
Evren Balta, Ümit Şahin, Fikret Adaman, Ayşe Köse Badur, Nebi Sümer, Atila Eralp, Hatem Ete, Kamil Yılmaz ve Fuat Keyman were hosted by at the 109th episode of "Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" program titled "Politics, Economy, Climate, Urban Studies: What do we see?"organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fikret Adaman and Fuat Keyman
Fikret Adaman and Fuat Keyman were hosted by Pelin Oğuz at the 107th episode of "Nasıl Bir Dünya? Nasıl Bir Türkiye?" program titled "Sürdürülebilir ve Dirençli Bir Gıda Sistemi: Türkiye Analizi" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
Report Launch: A Sustainable and Resilient Food System: Turkey Analysis
The main findings of the "A Sustainable and Resilient Food System: Turkey Analysis (Sürdürülebilir ve Dirençli Bir Gıda Sistemi: Türkiye Analizi)" report, which discusses how a better food system can be achieved in Turkey and in the world, were presented to the public by the team of researchers and authors on March 28.
Please click here to watch.
The evaluation of 2021 with the Contribution of IPC -"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?"
Fikret Adaman, Nebi Sümer, Ayse Köse Badur, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Atila Eralp, Evren Balta, Kamil Yılmaz and Fuat Keyman were hosted by Pelin Oğuz at the 85th episode of “Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” program titled "İPM'nin Katkılarıyla 2021 Yılı Değerlendirmesi" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here to watch the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 11 - "Women's Cooperatives in Food Production: Experiences and Possibilities"
The Initiative organized a webinar titled "Women's Cooperatives in Food Production: Experiences and Possibilities" with the participation of Bengü Kurtege-Sefer on November 24. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by Fikret Adaman.
Please click here to watch the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 10 - “Food in Rural Spaces: Problems/Search for Solutions”
The Initiative organized a webinar titled Food in Rural Spaces: Problems/Search for Solutions with the participation of Dalya Hazar Kalonya and Kiraz Özdoğan on November 3. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by Fikret Adaman.
Please click here to watch the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 9 - "Food in Urban Spaces: Problems/Solutions"
The Initiative organized a webinar titled "Food in Urban Spaces: Problems/Solutions" with the participation of Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and İrem Soysal Al on October 13. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by Fikret Adaman.
Please click here for the event.
The Welcoming of the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows
The Welcoming of the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows was held on October 11 at Barbare Vineyard House. The event began with welcoming remarks by IPC Director Fuat Keyman and Stiftung Mercator Director Michael Schwarz. The event continued with a movie screening that introduced the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows Anna Zadrożna, Arzu Karakulak, Ezgi Ediboğlu, Onur Sazak, Sibel Karadağ and Theocharis Grigoriadis.
Please click here to watch the video.
Welcoming of the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows
The Welcoming of the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows was held on October 11 at Barbare Vineyard House. The event began with welcoming remarks by IPC Director Fuat Keyman and Stiftung Mercator Director Michael Schwarz. The event continued with a movie screening that introduced the 2021/22 Mercator-IPC Fellows Anna Zadrożna, Arzu Karakulak, Ezgi Ediboğlu, Onur Sazak, Sibel Karadağ and Theocharis Grigoriadis.
Pleace click here for the event.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" - Season Finale with Contribution of IPC
Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Atila Eralp, Nebi Sümer, Fikret Adaman, Evren Balta and Ümit Şahin were hosted by Pelin Oğuz at the 69th episode of “Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” program titled "Season Finale with Contribution of IPC" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here for the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 8 - "Places for the Production and Consumption of Food: Rural, Urban, Rural-Urban"
The IPC-Sabancı University–Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled "Places for the Production and Consumption of Food: Rural, Urban, Rural-Urban (Gıdanın Üretim ve Tüketim Mekânları: KIR, KENT, KIR-KENT)" with the participation of Koray Velibeyoğlu and Emel Karakaya on June 23. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by Fikret Adaman.
Please click here for the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 7 - Sustainable Nutrition: The Effects of What We Eat/Drink on Our Health and the Planet
The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled "Sustainable Nutrition: The Effects of What We Eat/Drink on Our Health and the Planet (Sürdürülebilir Beslenme: Yediklerimizin/İçtiklerimizin Sağlığımıza ve Gezegene Etkileri)" with the participation of Emine Aksoydan and Reci Meseri on June 9. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman.
Please click here for the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 6 - Agroecology - Opportunities and Challenges
The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled "Agroecology - Opportunities and Challenges (Agroekoloji—Fırsatlar ve Zorluklar)" with the participation of Peter Rosset on May 26. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman. |
Please click here for the event.
Understanding Complexity and Capacity for Resilience in Turkey III: Governing Precarity through EU-Turkey Relations
IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled ''Understanding Complexity and Capacity for Resilience in Turkey III: Governing Precarity through EU-Turkey Relations'' . The opening remarks were made by Anne Duncker and Fuat Keyman. The first panel ''The European Green Deal and EU-Turkey Relations'' was moderated by Senem Aydın-Düzgit featuring Fikret Adaman, Philipp Godron, and Çiğdem Nas. In the second panel ''The Precarious Lives of Syrians in Turkey'' was moderated by Pelin Oğuz and was conducted with the participation of Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Feyzi Baban, Murat Erdoğan, Fuat Keyman, and Kim Rygiel. The webinar took place in May 20.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fikret Adaman and Galip Yalman
Fikret Adaman and Galip Yalman were hosted by Pelin Oğuz at the 61st episode of “Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” program titled "Türkiye'ye ve Dünyaya Sınıfsal Bakmak" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here for the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 5 - Agriculture and Food Sector on the Axis of New Technologies and Traditional Knowledge
The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled "Agriculture and Food Sector on the Axis of New Technologies and Traditional Knowledge (Yeni Teknolojiler ve Geleneksel Bilgi Ekseninde Tarım ve Gıda Sektörü)" with the participation of Gökhan Özertan and Zühre Aksoy on May 5. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman.
Please click here for the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 3 - "The Key Subjects of the Food System: Farmers, Part-Time Farmers, Seasonal Workers and Others"
The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized a webinar titled "The Key Subjects of the Food System: Farmers, Part-Time Farmers, Seasonal Workers and Others" with the participation of Burak Gürel and Deniz Pelek on April 14. This webinar is a part of the webinar series titled "The Political Ecology of Food (Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi)" initiated by 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman.
Please click here for the event.
The Political Ecology of Food 1 - "Talking About Food: Different Concepts, Different Approaches "
2020/21 The first meeting of the webinar series ‘Political Ecology of Food’ in Turkey, which we initiated with the initiative of Fikret Adaman, Senior Researcher at Mercator-IPM, was held on 17 March with the participation of Hilal Elver and Özge Güneş under the title ‘Talking about Food: Different Approaches, Different Concepts’ “Gıda'yı Konuşurken: Farklı Yaklaşımlar, Farklı Kavramlar” was held on 17 March with the participation of Hilal Elver and Özge Güneş.
Please click here for the event.
Climate Cafe Talks 14 - Assessing the Developmentalism in Turkey on Food-Agriculture Axis
The fourteenth of the Climate Café Talks series took place with 2020/21 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Fikret Adaman’s talk on "Assessing the Developmentalism in Turkey on Food-Agriculture Axis" on February 10, 2021.
Please click here to watch the event.
Please click here for more information about the Climate Cafe Talks.
“Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” with Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Ümit Şahin, Fikret Adaman, Atila Eralp, Ayşe Köse Badur, Gökçe Uysal and Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı
Fuat Keyman, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Ümit Şahin, Fikret Adaman, Atila Eralp, Ayşe Köse Badur, Gökçe Uysal and Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı were hosted by Pelin Oğuz at the 42nd episode of “Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” program titled "2020'de Ne Yaptık? 2021'den Ne Bekliyoruz?" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here for the event.
Political Ecology of Transformation in Agriculture in the Context of Climate Change
Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative's report launch webinar titled ‘Political Ecology of Transformation in Agriculture in the Context of Climate Change’ was held on 6 November with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Fikret Adaman and Zafer Yenal.
Please click here for the event.
“Salgın ve Toplum” Webinar Series: “Pandemi Döneminde İklim Değişikliği ve Gıda Güvencesi”
IPC organized the webinar Salgın ve Toplum - “Pandemi Döneminde İklim Değişikliği ve Gıda Güvencesi” with the participation of Fikret Adaman, Hilal Elver, Ümit Şahin and Zafer Yenal on July 13.
Please click here for the event.
"Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?" with Fikret Adaman and Sinan Erensü
Fikret Adaman and Sinan Erensü were hosted by Murat Aksoy at the 7th episode of “Nasıl bir Dünya? Nasıl bir Türkiye?” program titled "Salgın Günlerinde Toplumsal Adalet ve Dayanışma" organized by the IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative in cooperation with Medyascope.
Please click here for the event.
Political Ecology of the Agricultural Transformation in Turkey within the Context of Climate Change
The Istanbul Policy Center–Sabancı University–Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized the conference “Political Ecology of the Agricultural Transformation in Turkey within the Context of Climate Change (İklim Değişikliği Bağlamında Türkiye’de Tarımın Dönüşümünün Politik Ekolojisi)” on January 6, 2020 at IPC Karaköy. The conference was followed by a roundtable meeting on January 7, 2020 at IPC Karaköy.